General terms and conditions


These conditions of sale (hereinafter “General Conditions”) govern the sale of products marketed by Digital-O-Matic srl. All product purchase contracts concluded through the Digital-O-Matic srl website and according to the procedures indicated therein, between the Seller and the Customer, will be governed by these General Conditions.

All published prices are VAT excluded, only for Italian customer is calculated at the checkout.

Acceptance of the sale conditions:

The sales contract stipulated between Digital-O-Matic S.r.l. (hereinafter DOM) and the Customer must be considered concluded with the acceptance, even if only partial, of the order by DOM, which reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to accept the order. Acceptance is to be considered tacit, unless otherwise communicated to the Customer in any way. By placing a purchase order on DOM website, the Customer declares to have read all the information provided during the purchase procedure and to fully accept the general and payment conditions transcribed below;

DOM webshop is intended to sale only to technical prepared professionals, already active in the additive manufacturing market, who purchases the goods for purposes related to his professional activity. In any case DOM not sell to end user or private Customers. Is excluded any right of the Customer to compensation for damages, as well as any contractual or non-contractual liability for direct or indirect damage to people and/or things, caused by non-acceptance, even partial, of an order;

Purchase methods

The Customer can only purchase the products present in the electronic catalog of the DOM website at the time of completing the order. The technical information included on the DOM website faithfully reproduces the actual information. DOM, therefore, reserves the right to modify the technical information of the products to adapt them to that provided by the manufacturers, without the need for any prior notice. It is understood that the image accompanying the descriptive sheet of a product may not be perfectly representative of its characteristics, and may differ in colour, size, accessory products present in the figure. All purchase support information (Glossary, Purchasing Guide, etc.) is to be understood as simple generic information material, not referable to the actual characteristics of each individual product.

The correct receipt of the order is confirmed by DOM by sending an email, sent to the email address indicated by the Customer. This message contains all the data entered by the Customer who undertakes to verify its correctness and promptly communicate any corrections, according to the methods described in this document. The Customer will also be able to check the status of his order by accessing the web area dedicated to him under “My orders”;

If one or more ordered products are not available, DOM undertakes to contact the Customer within 7 days from the moment the order is placed, communicating the unavailability and any alternative solutions via email. In this case, the Customer may wait for the delivery of the order, if DOM deems, at its sole discretion, to be able to find the unavailable product on the market, or cancel the order and obtain a refund of any price already paid;

Legal guarantee:

All products marketed by DOM in the EU area, are covered by the legal guarantee of 12 months for defects of conformity, pursuant to art. 129 of Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 (Consumer Code).

The lack of conformity exists when the product is not suitable for the use for which it is intended, does not conform to the description or does not possess the qualities and/or performances promised by the seller and typical of the product sold.